Fully qualified class name: org.signserver.module.signerstatusreport.SignerStatusReportWorker


The SignerStatusReportWorker is a worker that returns a status report for a configured set of workers. The information includes each workers crypto token status ACTIVE/OFFLINE and if available also the numbers of signatures that has been performed with the key currently associated with the worker. If the worker has a configured limit of number of signatures, this value is also included. This worker returns the report in the same format as defined for the SignerStatusReportTimedService.

Worker Properties




Comma-separated list of worker names (signers) that should be monitored.

Output Format

workerName=WORKERNAME1, status=STATUS1, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...
workerName=WORKERNAME2, status=STATUS2, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...
workerName=WORKERNAME3, status=STATUS3, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...


  • Each line contains a set of properties for one worker.
  • Lines are separated by a system dependent newline character (CR, LF or CRLF).
  • Properties are of form KEY=VALUE and are separated by a comma and a space (", ").
  • The properties workerName and status are mandatory.
  • The property workerName is always the first property.





Name of the worker. Example: "sod71" or "sod72"


Sstatus of the worker's crypto token and key. Either "ACTIVE" or "OFFLINE".


The first date the signer is allowed to sign. The format is java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z").


The last date the signer is allowed to sign.


The number of signatures that has been performed with the key used by this worker.


The maximum number of signatures this worker is allowed to perform, or -1 if there is no limit.


workerName=Sod71, status=ACTIVE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:36 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:36 EEST, signings=132, signLimit=100000,

Explanation: Sod71 has done 132 signings and is ACTIVE and validityNotAfter indicates that it can continue to sign until 8th September if not the sign limit is reached before

workerName=Sod72, status=OFFLINE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:33 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:33 EEST, signings=100000, signLimit=100000,

Explanation: Sod72 has performed all of its 100000 signings and can not sign until it gets a new key and certificate.

workerName=Sod73, status=OFFLINE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:33 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:33 EEST, signings=0, signLimit=100000,

Explanation: Sod73 has not reached its limit and is still in validity time, but is OFFLINE for some other reason.

workerName=Sod74, status=OFFLINE,

Explanation: Sod74 is OFFLINE and has no certificate configured.